A. Ghafari a,b, V. Bayat a, S. Akbari a, b, c, A. Ghasemi Yeklangi a
aNanoSciTec GmbH, Hermann Weinhauser str. 67, Munich, 81867, Germany
b BioMedEx GmbH, weyringerg 37 Stiege 1, 1040, Wein, Austria
cGreen International World Ltd, 128 City Road, London, United Kingdom
In contemporary society, Li-ion batteries have emerged as one of the primary energy storage options. Li-ion batteries’ market share and specific applications have grown significantly over time and are still rising. Many outstanding scientists and engineers worked very hard on developing commercial Li-ion batteries in the 1990s, which led to their success. An aqueous or non-aqueous electrolyte, an anode, a cathode, and a membrane that separates the two while permitting ions through are the four essential components of all battery systems. While still underutilized in power supply systems, Li-ion batteries are the preferred solution for the developing electric car industry, particularly when combined with photovoltaics and wind power. As a technological advancement, Li-ion batteries provide enormous worldwide potential for sustainable energy production and significant carbon emission reductions. This review covers the working principles, anode, cathode, and electrolyte materials and the related mechanisms, aging and performance degradation, applications, manufacturing processes, market, recycling, and safety of Li-ion batteries.
Keywords: Li-ion battery, Anode, Cathode, Electrolyte, Grid energy storage, Recycling
© Article info: Accepted by: 3 March 2023, Published by: 17 March 2023.